Wednesday, June 1

Ben Linder and Nicaragua

Activist Radio has the following guest on this week:

GUEST: Becca Renk, sustainable community organizer for the Nicaraguan Jubilee House Community and its project, the Ciudad Sandino - the Center for Development in Central America, talks about her work in bringing the revolution to a larger audience.

Activist Radio can be heard: Thursdays 5-6 pm on WVKR 91.3 FM at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, NY; Thursdays from 9-10 pm on WBDY 99.5 FM at The Bundy in Binghamton, NY; Sundays 1:30-2:30 pm on WESU 88.1 FM at Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT; Sundays 4-5 pm from WIOF 104.1 FM in Woodstock, NY; and Sundays 5-6 pm from the Progressive Radio Network at PRN.FM. Past programs are available as a podcast, or anytime on the web at


Monday, January 10

PRESENTE! We remember Chuck Kaufman

Activist Radio has the following guest on this week:

PRESENTE! We remember Chuck Kaufman, grass roots organizer and cofounder of Alliance for Global Justice, talking about his life's work, confronting US imperialism, neoliberalism and oppression in Latin America.

Activist Radio can be heard: Thursdays 5-6 pm on WVKR 91.3 FM at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, NY; Thursdays from 9-10 pm on WBDY 99.5 FM at The Bundy in Binghamton, NY; Sundays 1:30-2:30 pm on WESU 88.1 FM at Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT; Sundays 4-5 pm from WIOF 104.1 FM in Woodstock, NY; and Sundays 5-6 pm from the Progressive Radio Network at PRN.FM. Past programs are available as a podcast, or anytime on the web at



Activist Radio