
Esteemed Friends of Larreynaga United States

Receive a strong and brotherly hug from your brothers and sisters in Larreynaga who always remember you well.

It was with much pleasure that we received in our humble town the two ambassadors of the project, Beth and Stephanie. It was a proud time for us to have had them here living among us and our children. We are very happy for the help that they brought for our children, the fifteen scholarships and backpacks will be a great benefit, and we are sure that our children will profit increasingly by the help they have received.

Stephanie with friends. We wish to communicate with you that the coming of these two young people raised our enthusiasm and revitalized our desires to serve and bring help to our community, so lacking in economic resources. We also wish to tell you that we are continuing to develop projects to benefit our community, like the loan project for teachers to purchase bicycles. The teachers are also starting a booth to sell school supplies at lower prices to the children and youth of this community. Friends, we hope that you won't forget us, and that you will always make efforts to help us come out ahead. We have included a list of materials that the teachers need in their daily work. Here, as well, we make a request for money to expand the new library project that benefits elementary and secondary school children as well as all the youth and adults in our community.

Brothers and sisters, Many greetings and hugs from all of us.

Sister City Committee Larreynaga, Nicaragua


My dear brothers and sisters and Mid Hudson Larreynaga Sister City,

I always pray to God that all of you are ok.

If you remember me, my name is Angelica Maria Martinez Perez, I am 22 years old, am originally from Larreynaga, am from a very humble but honest and hard working family who have always supported me in all situations in life I come from a large family of 8 brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews that also live with us. We have always lived in hard economic times but many people have said that this motivates us to work harder and continue forward. I never could never have achieved what I have without the support of my parents, friends and Mid Hudson Larreynaga Sister City.

Through all the ups and downs I worked hard to continue my studies and was so surprised to find out that you were going to continue supporting me, enabling me to finish my five years of studying to get my bachelors degree

I hope that it is always apparent how grateful I am to my parents, my family and also to you and that I will never forget everything that you have done for me. I have always prayed to God for you and in my heart exists a great confidence and gratitude to you.All of you efforts have not been in vain. I have always known how to take the most advantage of your help and will always be testimony to all for all the wonderful things that can happen when helping people like us.

I also want to let you all know that I am due to have a baby which although has made things a little more difficult for me, has made me even more driven to be able to give life to something so innocent and defenseless and has taught me to fight harder for something that I so love and everything I have means more to me now more than ever.

I hope with all that I have said that you will realize what an impact you have made and will always remember me with loving wishes, the same that I have for all of you. Right now my plans are to fight to finish finalizing my career, find work, grow as a person, help those that I can with my education, raise my new baby and of course after it is born and raise it hearing and learning all about you. I will continue to always look for more ways to make you more proud of me.

Although I am not sure of my graduation date, I know it is at the end of January but I will let you know the exact date once I find out. I send you all a huge hug and please know that both my family and I are so thankful to God for all of you and for all that you have done.

Sincerely Angelica Martinez